
Baptism is a gift of God's grace. Through the waters of baptism, combined with the power of God's word he makes us his own, giving us forgiveness, life, and salvation. If you or a loved one have never been baptized, we want to celebrate with you! 

For parents of infants or young children:

We host a Baptism Class the first  Saturday of the month (currently via Zoom) at 9:30am.  This is a great way to get to know our pastors, learn about our beliefs about baptism, find details about the baptism ceremony, and get tips on nurturing faith at home! Contact Miriam Kostecki at  or fill out the interest form below.

For teens and adults:

At WLC, we believe baptism is for all ages! If you were not baptized as an infant/child and would like to be, we'd love to talk more with you about baptism! Contact Miriam Kostecki or fill out the interest form below.